Here is a list of additional object references for BBA Integration APIs.
Name | Description | Schema |
accompanied Delivery optional | Indicate if the delivery will be accompanied by another person Example : false | boolean |
active optional | Shipment activation status Example : false | boolean |
amount optional | Shipment amount | number |
appliedShippingRule optional | Shipping rules that are applied to shipment | |
bbaReferenceNumber optional | Shipment BBA Reference number | string |
billed optional | boolean | |
bookingDate optional | The date when shipment booked | string (date-time) |
bookingStatus optional | Shipment booking status | enum (new, unprocessed, inprogress, pending, processed) |
breakBulkDetails optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.break_bulk_details} | |
carrierBookingOptions optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.carrier_booking_options} | < string, string > map |
carrierConfiguration optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.job} | |
carrierOrderId optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.carrierOrderId} | string |
clientPresent optional | Indicate if client will be present to assist the receiving of shipment Example: false | boolean |
company optional | Shipment company | |
consignmentId optional | Shipment consignment identifier | string |
consolidation optional | Shipment consolidation | |
containerId optional | Shipment crossdock container identifier | string |
containerName optional | Shipment crossdock container name | string |
containerType optional | Shipment crossdock container type | enum (bag, box, carton, case, crate, envelope, pallet, rack, sack, tray) |
createdDate optional | The date when shipment created | string (date-time) |
currency optional | Shipment currency | string |
customerReferences optional | Shipment customer references | < string > array |
dangerousGoods optional | Indicate if shipment contains dangerous goods Example : false | boolean |
deliveredDate optional | The date when shipment delivered | string (date-time) |
description optional | Shipment description | string |
destinationAddress optional | Shipment destination address | |
id optional | Shipment identifier | string |
items optional | Items contained in shipment | < ItemPublicProjection> array |
job optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.job} | |
lastDocumentPrintedTime optional | The time when shipment document printed | string (date-time) |
lastModifiedDate optional | Date when the last time shipment data modified | string (date-time) |
manifestId optional | Shipment manifest identifier | string |
manifesteNo optional | Shipment manifest number | integer (int64) |
manifestedDate optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.manifest_date} | string (date-time) |
marketplaceId optional | Shipment marketplace identifier | string |
maxDeliveryDate optional | string (date-time) | |
notifyReceiver optional | Notify receiver for any update of this shipment Example : false | boolean |
notifySender optional | Notify sender for any update of this shipment Example : false | boolean |
office optional | Shipment office | |
officeTransitionHistory optional | Shipment office transition history | < string > array |
originalConsignmentId optional | Shipment original consignment identifier (for return shipment) | string |
originalShipmentId optional | Original shipment id (for return shipment) | string |
packDescAutoPopulate optional | Indicate if shipment package is auto populate Example : false | boolean |
packages optional | Shipment packages | < PackagePublicProjection> array |
packaging optional | Shipment packaging | string |
pickupDetails optional | Shipment pickup details | |
poBox optional | Indicate if shipment has PO BOX Example : false | boolean |
previousTrackingStatus optional | Shipment previous tracking status | enum (documentationprepared, bookingarranged, collected, intransit, arrivedatdestination , outfordelivery, delivered, instore, missing) |
purchasedDate optional | The date when shipment purchased | string (date-time) |
readyForProcess optional | Indicate if shipment ready for process Example : false | boolean |
reasonForShipping optional | Shipment reason for shipping | enum (purchase, gift) |
returnAuthorityNumber optional | Shipment return authority number | string |
serviceDetails optional | Shipment carrier service details | |
serviceProfile optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.service_profile} | |
shippingCost optional | Shipment shipping cost | |
sourceAddress optional | Shipment source address | |
specialInstructions optional | Shipment special instructions | string |
sscc optional | Shipment SSCC number | string |
surcharge optional | Shipment surcharge | |
tailGate optional | Indicate if shipment tail gate status Example : false | boolean |
taxStatus optional | Shipment tax status | enum (private) |
timeBasedRateDetail optional | Time base rate detail | |
trackingNumber optional | Shipment tracking number | string |
trackingStatus optional | Shipment tracking status | enum (documentationprep ared, bookingarranged, collected, intransit, arrivedatdestination , outfordelivery, delivered, instore, missing) |
trolleyRequired optional | Indicate if a trolley will be required for shipping Example : false | boolean |
unattendedDelivery optional | Indicate if shipment can be delivered unattended Example : false | boolean |
user optional | Shipment user | string |
validationResults optional | Indicate if shipment data is valid | |
withheld optional | Indicates that the shipment in on hold Example : false | boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
accompanied Delivery optional | Indicate if the delivery will be accompanied by another person Example : false | boolean |
active optional | Shipment activation status Example : false | boolean |
amount optional | Shipment amount | number |
appliedShippingRule optional | Shipping rules that are applied to shipment | |
bbaReferenceNumber optional | Shipment BBA Reference number | string |
billed optional | boolean | |
bookingDate optional | The date when shipment booked | string (date-time) |
bookingStatus optional | Shipment booking status | enum (new, unprocessed, inprogress, pending, processed) |
breakBulkDetails optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.break_bulk_details} | |
carrierBookingOptions optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.carrier_booking_options} | < string, string > map |
carrierID optional | Shipment carrier identifier | string |
carrierOderId optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.carrierOrderId} | string |
carrierProfileId optional | Shipment carrier profile identifier | string |
carrierServiceRateId optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.carrier_service_rate_id} | string |
carrierShipmentId optional | Carrier’s shipment identifier | string |
clientPresent optional | Indicate if client will be present to assist the receiving of shipment Example: false | boolean |
company optional | Shipment company | string |
consignmentId optional | Shipment consignment identifier | string |
consolidation optional | Shipment consolidation | |
containerId optional | Shipment crossdock container identifier | string |
containerName optional | Shipment crossdock container name | string |
containerType optional | Shipment crossdock container type | enum (bag, box, carton, case, crate, envelope, pallet, rack, sack, tray) |
createdDate optional | The date when shipment created | string (date-time) |
currency optional | Shipment currency | string |
customerReferences optional | Shipment customer references | < string > array |
dangerousGoods optional | Indicate if shipment contains dangerous goods Example : false | boolean |
deliveredDate optional | The date when shipment delivered | string (date-time) |
description optional | Shipment description | string |
destinationAddress optional | Shipment destination address | |
eta optional | Shipment ETA | string |
fromFtp optional | Indicate if the shipment data from FTP file Example : false | boolean |
history optional | < History> array | |
id optional | Shipment identifier | string |
invoiceDetails optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.invoice_details} | |
invoiceId optional | string | |
items optional | Items contained in shipment | < Item> array |
jobId optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.job_id} | integer (int64) |
lastDocumentPrintedTime optional | The time when shipment document printed | string (date-time) |
lastModifiedDate optional | Date when the last time shipment data modified | string (date-time) |
manifest optional | Shipment manifest | |
manifestedDate optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.manifest_date} | string (date-time) |
marketplaceId optional | Shipment marketplace identifier | string |
maxDeliveryDate optional | string (date-time) | |
notifyReceiver optional | Notify receiver for any update of this shipment Example : false | boolean |
notifySender optional | Notify sender for any update of this shipment Example : false | boolean |
office optional | Shipment office | string |
officeTransitionHistory optional | Shipment office transition history | < string > array |
originalConsignmentId optional | Shipment original consignment identifier (for return shipment) | string |
originalShipmentId optional | Original shipment id (for return shipment) | string |
packDescAutoPopulate optional | Indicate if shipment package is auto populate Example : false | boolean |
packages optional | Shipment packages | < Package> array |
packaging optional | Shipment packaging | string |
pickupDetails optional | Shipment pickup details | |
poBox optional | Indicate if shipment has PO BOX Example : false | boolean |
previousTrackingStatus optional | Shipment previous tracking status | enum (documentationprepared, bookingarranged, collected, intransit, arrivedatdestination , outfordelivery, delivered, instore, missing) |
purchasedDate optional | The date when shipment purchased | string (date-time) |
reasonForShipping optional | Shipment reason for shipping | enum (purchase, gift) |
returnAuthorityNumber optional | Shipment return authority number | string |
serviceDetails optional | Shipment carrier service details | |
serviceId optional | Shipment carrier service identifier | string |
serviceProfileId optional | Shipment service profile identifier | string |
shippingCost optional | Shipment shipping cost | |
skuList optional | Shipment SKUs | < SKUItem> array |
sourceAddress optional | Shipment source address | |
specialInstructions optional | Shipment special instructions | string |
sscc optional | Shipment SSCC number | string |
surcharge optional | Shipment surcharge | |
tailGate optional | Indicate if shipment tail gate status Example : false | boolean |
taxStatus optional | Shipment tax status | enum (private) |
timeBased optional | Indicate if shipment uses time based rate Example : false | boolean |
timeBasedRateDetail optional | Time base rate detail | |
trackingNumber optional | Shipment tracking number | string |
trackingStatus optional | Shipment tracking status | enum (documentationprep ared, bookingarranged, collected, intransit, arrivedatdestination , outfordelivery, delivered, instore, missing) |
travelDistance optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.travel_distance} | integer (int64) |
trolleyRequired optional | Indicate if a trolley will be required for shipping Example : false | boolean |
unattendedDelivery optional | Indicate if shipment can be delivered unattended Example : false | boolean |
user optional | Shipment user | string |