This endpoint is used to create new office by passing JSON request payload. This endpoint can only be accessed by user with company admin or warehouse admin role.
Name | Description | Schema |
active required | Office activation status Example : false | boolean |
addressLine1 required | Office address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Office address line 2 | string |
code required | Office code | string |
companyId required | Office company identifier | integer (int64) |
currency required | Office currency | string |
defaultDimensions required | Office default dimension | DefaultDimensions |
description required | Office description | string |
driverDirectSetting optional | ${} | DriverDirectSetting |
required | Office email address | string |
firstName required | Office first name | string |
lastName optional | Office last name | string |
location required | Office location identifier | integer (int64) |
locationProfile optional | Office location profile | LocationProfile |
measureUnit required | Office measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name required | Office name | string |
notificationPreferences required | Office notification preferences | NotificationPreferences |
officeConfiguration optional | Office configuration | OfficeConfiguration |
officeType required | Office type (Warehouse/Crossdock/ThirdPartyLogistics) | enum (crossdock, warehouse, thirdpartylogistics) |
parentId optional | Office parent identifier | integer (int64) |
phone1 required | Office primary phone number | string |
phone2 optional | Office secondary phone number | string |
receiverCode optional | Office receiver code | string |
scheduledPickupTimeList optional | Office schedule pickup time list | < ScheduledPickupTime > array |
senderCode optional | Office sender code | string |
website optional | Office website | string |
weightUnit required | Office weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
goodsCheck required | Office goods check |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Office activation status Example : false | boolean |
addressLine1 optional | Office address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Office address line 2 | string |
code optional | Office code | string |
company optional | Office company | PublicCompanyProjection |
currency optional | Office currency | string |
defaultDimensions optional | Office default dimension | DefaultDimensions |
description optional | Office description | string |
driverDirectSetting optional | ${} | DriverDirectSetting |
optional | Office email address | string |
firstName optional | Office first name | string |
geoLocation optional | ${} | GeoLocation |
id optional read-only | Office identifier | integer (int64) |
lastName optional | Office last name | string |
location optional | Office location | Location |
locationProfile optional | ${} | LocationProfileProjection |
measureUnit optional | Office measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | Office name | string |
notificationPreferences optional | Office notification preferences | NotificationPreferences |
officeConfiguration optional | Office configuration | OfficeConfiguration |
officeType optional | Office type (Warehouse/Crossdock/ThirdPartyLogistics) | string |
parent optional | Office parent identifier | integer (int64) |
phone1 optional | Office primary phone number | string |
phone2 optional | Office secondary phone number | string |
receiverCode optional | Office receiver code | string |
scheduledPickupTimeList optional | ${} | < ScheduledPickupTime > array |
senderCode optional | Office sender code | string |
website optional | Office website | string |
weightUnit optional | Office weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
goodsCheck | Goods Check |
Request Payload Sample
Code Block |
{ "name": "Test office name", "active": true, "addressLine1": "Test address 1", "addressLine2": null, "code": "TST", "companyId": 75, "currency": "AUD", "defaultDimensions": { "defaultHeight": 0, "defaultLength": 0, "defaultWeight": 0, "defaultWidth": 0, "enableDefaultDimension": false }, "description": "this is test office", "driverDirectSetting": { "autoJobAssignationEnabled": false, "callCustomer": false, "customerSignature": false, "driverCommissionFixed": 0, "driverCommissionPercentage": 0, "driverDirectEnabled": false, "emailNotification": false, "jobSplittingEnabled": false, "keepPackageUntilRedelivery": false, "maxCarryOnWeightPerPerson": 0, "maxJob": 0, "p2pEnabled": false, "pickupFeeEnabled": false, "requiredPackageScanning": false, "returnPackageToDepot": false, "shipmentTypes": [ "regular" ], "smsNotification": false, "unattendedPodPicture": false }, "email": "", "enableUpdate": false, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "goodsCheck": { "accompaniedDelivery": false, "clientPresent": false, "dangerousGoods": false, "fragile": false, "handUnload": false, "poBox": false, "residentialDelivery": false, "residentialPickup": false, "trolleyRequired": false, "unattendedDelivery": false, "tailGateDelivery": false, "tailGatePickup": false, "perishableGood": false }, "location": 14415, "locationProfile": { "address1": "Test address 1", "address2": null, "email": "", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "location": 14415, "phone1": "+612394854", "phone2": null }, "measureUnit": "cm", "notificationPreferences": { "notifyPendingShipment": false, "notifyQuoteAndBook": false, "notifyReturns": false }, "officeConfiguration": { "breakBulkManifesting": false, "containerizationEnabled": false, "createPickupJob": false, "creditLimit": "false", "crossDockManifestingEnabled": false, "crossDockStraightThroughEnabled": false, "ddp": false, "defaultWarehouse": false, "emailTrackingToReceiver": false, "instructionsDocumentEnabled": false, "jobDeliveredToScanCrossDockShipmentEnabled": false, "manifesting": false, "paperlessTradingEnabled": false, "satchelOnlyInQuote": false, "scheduledPickup": false, "smsNotificationEnabled": false, "thermal": false, "timeZone": "australia/sydney" }, "officeType": "warehouse", "parentId": null, "phone1": "+612394854", "phone2": null, "receiverCode": null, "senderCode": null, "tax": 0, "website": null, "weightUnit": "grams" } |