Here is a list of additional object references for BBA Integration APIs.
Name | Schema |
addressLine1 optional | string |
addressLine2 optional | string |
city optional | string |
country optional | string |
postcode optional | string |
Name | Schema |
categories optional | < string > array |
code optional | string |
country optional | string |
currency optional | string |
description optional | string |
height optional | number |
id optional | string |
itemType optional | string |
length optional | number |
manufacturer optional | string |
measureUnit optional | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | string |
quantity optional | integer (int32) |
remoteID optional | string |
returnredQuantity optional | integer (int32) |
sku optional | string |
taxes optional | string |
value optional | number |
weight optional | number |
weightUnit optional | enum (grams, kiograms, ounces, pounds) |
width optional | number |
Name | Schema |
contentWeight optional | number |
cubicWeight optional | number |
height optional | number |
index optional | integer (int32) |
items optional | < Items > array |
labelEndPage optional | integer (int32) |
labelStartPage optional | integer (int32) |
length optional | number |
measureUnit optional | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
packagingID optional | string |
quantity optional | integer (int32) |
type optional | string |
weight optional | number |
weightUnit optional | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
width optional | number |
Name | Schema |
asap optional | boolean |
pickupDate optional | string (date-time) |
pickupEarliestTime optional | string |
pickupLatestTime optional | string |
pickupTimeZone optional | string |
Name | Schema |
firstMile optional | BreakBulkStepSummary |
id optional | interger (int32) |
lastMile optional | BreakBulkStepSummary |
lineHaul optional | BreakBulkStepSummary |
name optional | string |
Name | Schema |
defaultValue optional | string |
listValues optional | < string > array |
name optional | string |
type optional | string |
Name | Schema |
carrierProfileId optional | string |
channel optional | string |
clickandCollect optional | string |
currency optional | string |
dangerousGoods optional | boolean |
displayPriceOverride optional | string |
displayRuleName optional | string |
fixValue optional | integer (int32) |
giftWrapping optional | boolean |
id optional | string |
maxHeight optional | number |
maxLength optional | number |
maxPrice optional | number |
maxWeight optional | number |
MaxWidth optional | number |
measureUnit optional | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
minHeight optional | number |
minLength optional | number |
minPrice optional | number |
minWeight optional | number |
minWidth optional | number |
name optional | string |
office optional | string |
percentageValue optional | integer (int32) |
poBox optional | boolean |
priority optional | integer (int32) |
regions optional | < Regions > array |
serviceProfileID optional | string |
unattendedDelivery optional | boolean |
user optional | string |
weightUnit optional | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
Name | Description | Schema |
amount optional | Quote original amount | number |
currency optional | Quote original currency | string |
rate optional | Quote original rate | number |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Service profile activation status Example : false | boolean |
bbaProfileId optional | Associated BBA profile identifier | integer (int64) |
carrierAccountCode optional | Service profile carrier account code | string |
carrierProfile optional | Service profile carrier profile | CarrierProfileProjection |
currency optional | Service profile currency | string |
detailHidden optional | Service profile detail hidden Example : false | boolean |
driverDirectEnabled optional | boolean | |
fuelLevy optional | Service profile fuel levy | FuelLevyWrapperProjection |
id optional | Service profile identifier | string |
marginEnabled optional | boolean | |
name optional | Service profile name | string |
networkEffect optional | Service profile network effect | NetworkEffect |
owned optional | boolean | |
profileSettings optional | Service profile settings | < ProfileSettings > array |
readOnly optional | Boolean | |
received optional | boolean | |
service optional | Service profile service | ServiceInformationProjection |
serviceName optional | Service name that is displayed in label | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
hourlyRate optional | Time based rate hourly rate | number |
maxAmount optional | Time based rate maximum amount | number |
maxDuration optional | Time based rate maximum duration | number |
maxTax optional | Time based rate maximum tax | number |
maxVariance optional | Time based rate maximum variance | number |
minAmount optional | Time based rate minimum amount | number |
minDuration optional | Time based rate minimum duration | number |
minTax optional | Time based rate minimum tax | number |
minVariance optional | Time based rate minimum variance | number |
Name | Schema |
categories optional | < string > array |
code optional | string |
country optional | string |
currency optional | string |
description optional | string |
height optional | number |
id optional | string |
itemType optional | string |
length optional | number |
manufacturer optional | string |
measureUnit optional | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | string |
quantity optional | integer (int32) |
remodeId optional | string |
returnedQuantity optional | integer (int32) |
sku optional | string |
taxes optional | string |
value optional | number |
weight optional | number |
weightUnit optional | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds |
width optional | number |
Name | Schema |
carrierProfileId optional | string |
consignmentId optional | string |
cost optional | number |
id optional | integer (int64) |
manifestNumber optional | string |
name optional | string |
serviceProfileId optional | string |
status optional | string |
Name | Schema |
country optional | string |
postcodeRangeEnd optional | string |
postcodeRangeStart optional | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Carrier profile activation status Example : false | boolean |
address1 optional | Carrier profile address line 1 | string |
address2 optional | Carrier profile address line 2 | string |
carrier optional | ${swagger.model.carrier_profile.carrier} | CarrierPartialInformation |
driverDirectEnabled optional | boolean | |
optional | Carrier profile email | string |
id optional | Carrier profile identifier | string |
logoUrl optional | ${swagger.model.carrier_profile.url} | string |
marginEnabled optional | boolean | |
name optional | Carrier profile name | string |
networkEffect optional | Carrier profile network effect | NetworkEffect |
owned optional | boolean | |
phone1 optional | Carrier profile primary phone | string |
phone2 optional | Carrier profile secondary phone | string |
profileSettings optional | Carrier profile profile settings | < ProfileSettings > array |
readOnly optional | boolean | |
received optional | boolean | |
settings optional | Carrier profile settings | < Settings > array |
website optional | Carrier profile website | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
details optional | Fuel levy details | FuelLevySimpleProjections |
enabled optional | Fuel levy activation status Example : false | boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Fuel levy activation status Example : false | boolean |
currency optional | Fuel levy currency | string |
fixed optional | Fuel levy fixed amount | number |
id optional | Fuel levy identifier | string |
name optional | Fuel levy name | string |
percentage optional | Fuel levy percentage | number |
Name | Description | Schema |
activated optional | Activate network effect Example : false | boolean |
enabled optional | Enable network effect Example : false | boolean |
resellers optional | Reseller identifiers | < string> array |
Name | Description | Schema |
description optional | Profile setting description | string |
name optional | Profile setting name | string |
password optional | Profile setting password | string |
value optional | Profile setting value | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Service activation status Example : false | boolean |
currency optional | Service currency | string |
fuelLevy optional | Service fuel levy | FuelLevy |
id optional | Service identifier | string |
name optional | ${} | string |
rateCategories optional | ${swagger.model.service_information.categories} | < RateCategory > array |
settings optional | Service settings | < Settings > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
addressValidationExternal optional | ${swagger.model.carrier_partial_information.external_address_validation} Example : false | boolean |
id optional | Carrier identifier | string |
logoUrl optional | Carrier logo URL | string |
name optional | Carrier name | string |
networkEffect optional | Carrier Network Effect | NetworkEffect |
productSource optional | product Source | string |
quoteGenerat edByCarrierApi optional | ${swagger.model.carrier_partial_information.external_quo te} Example : false | boolean |
services optional | Carrier services | < ServicePartialInformation > array |
settings optional | Carrier settings | < Settings > array |
shipmentGeneratedByCarrierApi optional | ${swagger.model.carrier_partial_information.external_shipment} Example : false | boolean |
Name | Schema |
detailHidden optional | boolean |
fuelLevy optional | FuelLevy |
id optional | string |
name optional | string |
rateCategories optional | < RateCategory > array |
settings optional | < Settings >array |
Name | Schema |
description optional | string |
mandatory optional | boolean |
name optional | string |
option optional | Option |
prerequisiteSettings optional | < string > array |
value optional | string |
valueList optional | < string > array |
valueType optional | string |
Name | Schema |
active optional | boolean |
CarrierId optional | string |
fixed optional | number |
id optional | string |
name optional | string |
percentage optional | number |
serviceId optional | string |
Name | Schema |
categories optional | < string > array |
name optional | string |
value optional | enum (flatrate, byweight, bypallet, bydistance, bytime) |
Name | Schema |
vfalse optional | string |
vtrue optional | string |
Name | Schema |
lat optional | number (double) |
lng optional | number (double) |
Name | Schema |
amount optional | number |
bookingParams optional | < string, string > map |
carrierId optional | string |
eta optional | string |
logo optional | string |
name optional | string |
serviceId optional | string |
shippingRuleId optional | string |
transitTimeEarliest optional | integer (int32) |
transitTimeLatest optional | integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
firstMile optional | BreakBulkStepSummary |
id optional | interger (int32) |
lastMile optional | BreakBulkStepSummary |
lineHaul optional | BreakBulkStepSummary |
name optional | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
accountCode optional | Account code | string |
consolidation optional | Indicate if the shipment use consolidation Example : false | boolean |
customerCarrierAccountCode optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.consolidation.customer_carrier _account_code} | string |
pickType optional | Pick type | string |
receiverCode optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.consolidation.receiver_code} | string |
senderCode optional | Shipment sender code | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
addressLine1 optional | Address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Address line 2 | string |
company optional | Address company | string |
customerCarrierAccountCode optional | string | |
optional | Address email | string |
firstName optional | Address first name | string |
lastName optional | Address last name | string |
latitude optional | ${swagger.model.address.latitude} | number (double) |
location optional | Address location | Location |
longitude optional | ${swagger.model.address.longitude} | number (double) |
phone optional | Address phone number | string |
receiverCode optional | string | |
senderCode optional | string |
Name | Schema |
date optional | string (date-time) |
details optional | string |
user optional | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
account optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.account} | string |
actualMargin optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.actual_margin} | number |
actualMarginPercentage optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.actual_margin_percen tage} | number |
ada optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.ada} | number |
additionalCharges optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.additional_charges} | nuumber |
chargebleWeight optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.chargeable_weight} | number |
ddp optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.ddp} | number |
exTaxCharge optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.ex_tax_charge} | number |
exTaxTotal optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.ex_tax_total} | number |
forProcessing optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.for_processing} | string |
fuel optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.fuel} | number |
internalNotes optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.internal_notes} | < string > array |
invoiceDate optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.invoice_date} | string (date-time) |
invoiceNotes optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.invoice_notes} | string |
rdl optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.rdl} | number |
tax optional | ${} | number |
tgl optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.tgl} | number |
weightUnit optional | ${swagger.model.accounting.invoice.weight_unit} | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
Name | Description | Schema |
categories optional | Item categories | < string > array |
code optional | Item code | string |
country optional | Item country | string |
currency optional | Item currency | string |
description optional | Item description | string |
height optional | Item height | number |
id optional | Item identifier | string |
itemType optional | Item type | string |
length optional | Item length | number |
manufacturer optional | Item manufacturer | string |
measureUnit optional | Item measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | Item name | string |
quantity optional | Item quantity | integer (int32) |
remoteId optional | Marketplace item’s identifier | string |
returnedQuantity optional | Item returned quantity | integer (int32) |
sku optional | Item SKU | string |
taxes optional | Item taxes | string |
value optional | Item value | number |
weight optional | Item weight | number |
weightUnit optional | Item weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
width optional | Item width | number |
Name | Schema |
approved optional | boolean |
carrierId optional | string |
carrierProfileId optional | string |
companyId optional | string |
createdBy optional | string |
createdDate optional | string (date-time) |
documentData optional | string (byte) |
id optional | string |
lastModifiedBy optional | string |
lastModifiedDate optional | string (date-time) |
manifestNumber optional | integer (int64) |
officeId optional | string |
orderId optional | string |
serviceProfileId optional | string |
shipments optional | < Shipment > array |
shipmentsToCrossdock optional | < Shipment > array |
Name | Description | Schema |
contentWeight optional | Package content weight | number |
cubicMeter optional | Package cubic meter | number |
cubicWeight optional | ${swagger.model.package.cubic_weight} | number |
height optional | Package height | number |
index optional | Package index | integer (int32) |
labelEndPage optional | Package end page in label | integer (int32) |
labelStartPage optional | Package start page in label | integer (int32) |
length optional | Package length | number |
measureUnit optional | Package measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
packagingId optional | Package packaging identifier | integer (int64) |
quantity optional | Package quantity | integer (in32) |
weight optional | Package weight | number |
weightUnit optional | Package weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
width optional | Package width | number |
Name | Description | Schema |
asap optional | Indicate to pickup as soon as possible Example : false | boolean |
pickupDate optional | Pickup date | string (date-time) |
pickupEarliestTime optional | Pickup earliest time | string |
pickupLatestTime optional | Pickup latest time | string |
pickupTimezone optional | Pickup time zone | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
carrierName | Carrier name | string |
logo | logo | string |
serviceName | Service name | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
additionalCharges1 optional | Additional charges 1 | number |
additionalCharges2 optional | Additional charges 2 | number |
cost optional | Cost | number |
currency optional | string | |
driverFee optional | ${swagger.model.shipping_cost.driver_fee} | number |
duties optional | Duties | number |
minPickupFee optional | Margin pickup fee | number |
percentFuel optional | Percent fuel | number |
percentMargin optional | Percent margin | number |
pickupFeeEnabled optional | Margin pickup fee enabled status Example : false | boolean |
sellPrice optional | Sell price | number |
taxes optional | Taxes | number |
valueFuel optional | Value fuel | number |
valueMargin optional | Value margin | number |
vat optional | VAT | number |
Name | Schema |
quantity optional | integer (int32) |
sku optional | string |
Name | Schema |
3rdPartyPickup optional | boolean |
accountServiceFee optional | boolean |
airportDeliveries optional | boolean |
customerOwnCageReturn optional | integer (int32) |
demurrageHours optional | integer (int32) |
futilePickup optional | boolean |
giftFair optional | boolean |
handUnloadPallet optional | integer (int32) |
is3rdPartyPickup optional | boolean |
isAccountServiceFee optional | boolean |
isManualConsignmentNotes optional | boolean |
isManualEntryOfEDIConsignments optional | boolean |
isSameDay3rdPartyPickup optional | boolean |
isSameDayDelivery optional | boolean |
isSaturdayDelivery optional | boolean |
isSingleConsignmentDispatch optional | boolean |
isSundayDelivery optional | boolean |
isTailGateDelivery optional | boolean |
itemExceedThreshold optional | integer (int32) |
manualConsignmentNote optional | boolean |
manualEntryOfEDIConsignments optional | boolean |
palletising optional | integer (int32) |
proofOfDeliveryCopy optional | integer (int32) |
redirect optional | integer (int32) |
sameDay3rdPartyPickup optional | boolean |
sameDayDelivery optional | boolean |
saturdayDelivery optional | boolean |
singleConsignmentDispatch optional | boolean |
sundayDelivery optional | boolean |
tailGateDelivery optional | boolean |
thermalLabel optional | integer (int32) |
weekInStorage optional | integer (int32) |
Name | Schema |
actualAmountUpdated optional | boolean |
actualDuration optional | number |
currency optional | string |
fuelLevyFixed optional | number |
fuelLevyPercentage optional | number |
hourlyRate optional | number |
marginPercent optional | number |
marginValue optional | number |
maxAmount optional | number |
maxDuration optional | number |
maxShipingCost optional | number |
maxTax optional | number |
maxVariance optional | number |
maxVat optional | number |
minAmount optional | number |
minDuration optional | number |
minShipingCost optional | number |
minTax optional | number |
minVariance optional | number |
minVat optional | number |
Name | Schema |
allowedInternationalShipments optional | boolean |
carrierId optional | string |
carrierName optional | string |
generateSSCC optional | boolean |
hasCarrierBookingOptions optional | boolean |
hasConsignmentNote optional | boolean |
hasSurcharge optional | boolean |
logoUrl optional | string |
trackingEventUpdateDisabled optional | boolean |
Name | Schema |
active optional | boolean |
addressLine1 optional | string |
addressLine2 optional | string |
billingProfile optional | BillingProfile |
customerCarrierAccountCode optional | string |
optional | string |
enableServiceSharing optional | boolean |
id optional | string |
isReseller optional | boolean |
location optional | integer (int64) |
logoUrl optional | string |
name optional | string |
networkEnabled optional | boolean |
offices optional | < Office > array |
phone1 optional | string |
phone2 optional | string |
primaryContact optional | PrimaryContact |
reseller optional | Company |
smsNotificationEnabled optional | boolean |
website optional | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
addressLine1 optional | Address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Address line 2 | string |
company optional | Address company | string |
optional | Address email | string |
firstName optional | Address FirstName | string |
lastName optional | Address last name | string |
location optional | address location | Location |
phone optional | Address phone | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
categories optional | Item categories | < string > array |
code optional | Item code | string |
country optional | Item country | string |
currency optional | Item currency | string |
description optional | Item description | string |
height optional | Item height | number |
itemType optional | Item type | string |
length optional | Item length | number |
manufacturer optional | Item manufacturer | string |
measureUnit optional | Item measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | Item name | string |
quantity optional | Item quantity | integer (int32) |
returnedQuantity optional | Item returned quantity | integer (int32) |
sku optional | Item SKU | string |
taxes optional | Item taxes | string |
value optional | Item value | number |
weight optional | Item weight | number |
weightUnit optional | Item weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
width optional | Item width | number |
Name | Schema |
destination optional | Address |
id optional | integer (int64) |
jobFinancials optional | JobFinancials |
jobId optional | string |
jobStatus optional | enum (unassigned, forapproval, pending, accepted, received, inprogress, delivered, failed, notyetstarted) |
manifested optional | boolean |
shipmentId optional | string |
signatureUrl optional | string |
sourceAddress optional | Address |
timeBased optional | boolean |
travelDistance optional | integer (int64) |
type optional | enum (p2p, delivery, pickuponly) |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Office activation status Example : false | boolean |
addressLine1 optional | Office address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Office address line 2 | string |
code optional | Office code | string |
company optional | Office’s company | Company |
currency optional | Office currency | string |
description optional | Office description | string |
optional | Office email address | string |
firstName optional | Office first name | string |
id optional | Office identifier | string |
lastName optional | Office last name | string |
location optional | Office location | Location |
locationProfile optional | Office location profile | LocationProfileProjection |
measurementUnit optional | Office measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | Office name | string |
notificationPreferences optional | Office notification preferences | NotificationPreferences |
officeConfiguration optional | ${} | OfficeConfiguration |
parent optional | Parent office | string |
phone1 optional | Office primary phone number | string |
phone2 optional | Office secondary phone number | string |
website optional | Office website | string |
weightUnit optional | Office weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
Name | Schema |
active optional | boolean |
addressLine1 optional | string |
addressLine2 optional | string |
code optional | string |
company optional | Company |
currency optional | string |
defaultDimensions optional | DefaultDimensions |
description optional | string |
driverDirectSetting optional | DriverDirectSetting |
optional | string |
firstName optional | string |
geoLocation optional | GeoLocation |
id optional | string |
lastName optional | string |
location optional | integer (int64) |
locationProfile optional | LocationProfile |
measurementUnit optional | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | string |
notificationPreferences optional | NotificationPreferences |
officeConfiguration optional | OfficeConfiguration |
officeType optional | enum (crossdock, warehouse, thirdpartylogistics) |
parent optional | string |
phone1 optional | string |
phone2 optional | string |
receiverCode optional | string |
senderCode optional | string |
website optional | string |
weightUnit optional | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
Name | Description | Schema |
contentWeight optional | Package content weight | number |
cubicMeter optional | Package cubic meter | number |
cubicWeight optional | ${swagger.model.package.cubic_weight} | number |
height optional | Package height | number |
length optional | Package length | number |
measureUnit optional | Package measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
packagingId optional | Package packaging identifier | integer (int64) |
quantity optional | Package quantity | integer (in32) |
weight optional | Package weight | number |
weightUnit optional | Package weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
width optional | Package width | number |
Name | Schema |
messages optional | < ValidationResultsEntry > array |
valid optional | boolean |
Name | Schema |
messages optional | < ValidationResultsEntry > array |
name optional | string |
value optional | string |
Name | Schema |
carrierProfileId optional | string |
consignmentId optional | string |
cost optional | number |
id optional | integer (int64) |
manifestNumber optional | string |
name optional | string |
serviceProfileId optional | string |
status optional | string |
Name | Schema |
address1 optional | string |
address2 optional | string |
optional | string |
firstName optional | string |
lastName optional | string |
phone1 optional | string |
phone2 optional | string |
postcodeOrSuburb optional | string |
Name | Schema |
optional | string |
enterCreditCardByResellerCustomer optional | boolean |
firstName optional | string |
lastName optional | string |
phone1 optional | string |
phone2 optional | string |
Name | Schema |
driverCommissionedFixed optional | number |
driverCommissionedPercentage optional | number |
driverFee optional | number |
duties optional | number |
fuelFixed optional | number |
fuelPercentage optional | number |
marginFixed optional | number |
marginPercentage optional | number |
shipmentRate optional | number |
taxes optional | number |
totalCostPrice optional | number |
Name | Schema |
address1 optional | string |
address2 optional | string |
optional | string |
firstName optional | string |
lastName optional | string |
location optional | integer (int64) |
phone1 optional | string |
phone2 optional | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
address1 optional | Location profile address line 1 | string |
address2 optional | Location profile address line 2 | string |
optional | Location profile email address | string |
firstName optional | Location profile First name | string |
lastName optional | Location profile last name | string |
location optional | Location profile location | integer (int64) |
locationDetails optional | Location profile location | LocationProjection |
phone1 optional | Location profile primary phone number | string |
phone2 optional | Location profile secondary phone number | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
code optional | Location code | string |
country optional | Location country | Country |
id optional | Location Identifier | integer (int64) |
name optional | Location name | string |
state optional | Location state | State |
Name | Description | Schema |
code optional | Country code | string |
enabled optional | boolean | |
name optional | Country name | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
code optional | State code | string |
enabled optional | boolean | |
name optional | State name | string |
Name | Schema |
notifyPendingShipment optional | boolean |
notifyQuoteAndBook optional | boolean |
notifyReturns optional | boolean |
Name | Schema |
breakBulkManifesting optional | boolean |
containerizationEnabled optional | boolean |
creditLimit optional | string |
crossDockStraightThroughEnabled optional | boolean |
ddp optional | boolean |
emailTrackingToReceiver optional | boolean |
manifesting optional | boolean |
satchelOnlyInQuote optional | boolean |
scheduledPickUp optional | boolean |
smsNotificationEnabled optional | boolean |
timeZone optional | string |
Name | Schema |
autoJobAssignationEnabled optional | boolean |
callCustomer optional | boolean |
customerSignature optional | boolean |
driverCommissionFixed optional | number |
driverCommissionPercentage optional | number |
driverDirectEnabled optional | boolean |
emailNotification optional | boolean |
jobSplittingEnabled optional | boolean |
keepPackageUntilRedelivery optional | boolean |
maxCarryOnWeightPerPerson optional | number |
maxJob optional | integer (int32) |
p2pEnabled optional | boolean |
pickupFeeEnabled optional | boolean |
requiredPackageScanning optional | boolean |
returnPaakgeToDepot optional | boolean |
shipmentTypes optional | < enum (regular, returns) > array |
smsNotification optional | boolean |
unattendedPodPicture optional | boolean |
Name | Schema |
latitude optional | number (double) |
longitude optional | number (double) |
Name | Schema |
addressValidationExternal optional | boolean |
allowedInternationalShipment optional | boolean |
carrierId optional | string |
carrierName optional | string |
companyId optional | integer (int64) |
domesticShipmentCounries optional | < string > array |
generateSSCC optional | boolean |
hasCarrierBookingOptions optional | boolean |
hasConsignmentNote optional | boolean |
hasSurcharge optional | boolean |
logoUrl optional | string |
networkEffectActivated optional | boolean |
networkEffectEnabled optional | boolean |
productSource optional | string |
quoteGeneratedByCarrierApi optional | boolean |
resellers optional | < string > array |
serviceProfileDetailsHidden optional | boolean |
services optional | < ServiceInformation > array |
settings optional | < Setting > array |
shipmentGeneratedByCarrierApi optional | boolean |
trackingEventUpdateDisabled optional | boolean |
Name | Schema |
active optional | boolean |
address1 optional | string |
address2 optional | string |
addressValidationExternal optional | boolean |
carrierId optional | string |
companyId optional | integer (int64) |
optional | string |
id optional | string |
locationId optional | integer (int64) |
logoUrl optional | string |
name optional | string |
networkEffect optional | NetworkEffect |
phone1 optional | string |
phone2 optional | string |
primaryContact optional | PrimaryContact |
productSource optional | string |
quoteGeneratedByCarrierApi optional | boolean |
settings optional | < Setting > array |
shipmentGeneratedByCarrierApi optional | boolean |
website optional | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
minPickupFee optional | Margin pickup fee | number |
serviceProfile optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.service_profile} | ServiceProfile |
Name | Schema |
active optional | boolean |
bbaProfileId optional | integer (int64) |
carrierAccountCode optional | string |
carrierData optional | < string, string > map |
carrierId optional | string |
carrierProfile optional | CarrierProfile |
clientServiceProfiles optional | < ClientServiceProfile > array |
companyId optional | integer (int64) |
currency optional | string |
detailHidden optional | boolean |
fuelLevy optional | FuelLevy |
fuelLevyEnabled optional | boolean |
id optional | string |
name optional | string |
quoteGeneratedByCarrierApi optional | boolean |
serviceId optional | string |
serviceName optional | string |
settings optional | < Setting > array |
Name | Schema |
autoJobAssignationEnabled optional | boolean |
callCustomer optional | boolean |
carrierProfile optional | CarrierProfile |
companies optional | < string > array |
companyId optional | integer (int64) |
crossDockEnabled optional | boolean |
currency optional | string |
customerSignature optional | boolean |
driverCommissionFixed optional | number |
driverCommissionPercentage optional | number |
driverDirectEnabled optional | boolean |
emailNotification optional | boolean |
enabled optional | boolean |
firstMileDriverDirectConfig optional | DriverDirectConfiguration |
id optional | string |
jobSplittingEnabled optional | boolean |
keepPackageUntilRedelivery optional | boolean |
lastMileDriverDirectConfig optional | DriverDirectConfiguration |
lineHaulDriverDirectConfig optional | DriverDirectConfiguration |
marginMinValue optional | number |
marginPercent optional | number |
maxCarryOnWeightPerPerson optional | number |
maxJob optional | integer (int32) |
minPickupFee optional | number |
name optional | string |
offices optional | < string > array |
p2pEnabled optional | boolean |
pickupFeeEnabled optional | boolean |
requiredPackageScanning optional | boolean |
returnPackageToDepot optional | boolean |
serviceProfile optional | ServiceProfile |
shipmentTypes optional | < enum (regular, returns) > array |
smsNotification optional | boolean |
unattendedPodPicture optional | boolean |
Name | Schema |
autoJobAssignationEnabled optional | boolean |
callCustomer optional | boolean |
customerSignature optional | boolean |
driverCommissionFixed optional | number |
driverCommissionPercentage optional | number |
emailNotification optional | boolean |
enabled optional | boolean |
jobSplittingEnabled optional | boolean |
keepPackageUntilRedelivery optional | boolean |
maxCarryOnWeightPerPerson optional | number |
maxJob optional | integer (int32) |
p2pEnabled optional | boolean |
requiredPackageScanning optional | boolean |
returnPackageToDepot optional | boolean |
shipmentTypes optional | < enum (regular, returns) > array |
smsNotification optional | boolean |
unattendedPodPicture optional | boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
accompanied Delivery optional | Indicate if the delivery will be accompanied by another person Example : false | boolean |
active optional | Shipment activation status Example : false | boolean |
amount optional | Shipment amount | number |
appliedShippingRule optional | Shipping rules that are applied to shipment | ShippingRule |
bbaReferenceNumber optional | Shipment BBA Reference number | string |
billed optional | boolean | |
bookingDate optional | The date when shipment booked | string (date-time) |
bookingStatus optional | Shipment booking status | enum (new, unprocessed, inprogress, pending, processed) |
breakBulkDetails optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.break_bulk_details} | BreakBulkDetails |
carrierBookingOptions optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.carrier_booking_options} | < string, string > map |
carrierConfiguration optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.job} | CarrierConfiguratio nProjection |
carrierOrderId optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.carrierOrderId} | string |
clientPresent optional | Indicate if client will be present to assist the receiving of shipment Example: false | boolean |
company optional | Shipment company | Company |
consignmentId optional | Shipment consignment identifier | string |
consolidation optional | Shipment consolidation | ShipmentConsolidation |
containerId optional | Shipment crossdock container identifier | string |
containerName optional | Shipment crossdock container name | string |
containerType optional | Shipment crossdock container type | enum (bag, box, carton, case, crate, envelope, pallet, rack, sack, tray) |
createdDate optional | The date when shipment created | string (date-time) |
currency optional | Shipment currency | string |
customerReferences optional | Shipment customer references | < string > array |
dangerousGoods optional | Indicate if shipment contains dangerous goods Example : false | boolean |
deliveredDate optional | The date when shipment delivered | string (date-time) |
description optional | Shipment description | string |
destinationAddress optional | Shipment destination address | AddressPublicProjection |
id optional | Shipment identifier | string |
items optional | Items contained in shipment | < ItemPublicProjection > array |
job optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.job} | Job |
lastDocumentPrintedTime optional | The time when shipment document printed | string (date-time) |
lastModifiedDate optional | Date when the last time shipment data modified | string (date-time) |
manifestId optional | Shipment manifest identifier | string |
manifesteNo optional | Shipment manifest number | integer (int64) |
manifestedDate optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.manifest_date} | string (date-time) |
marketplaceId optional | Shipment marketplace identifier | string |
maxDeliveryDate optional | string (date-time) | |
notifyReceiver optional | Notify receiver for any update of this shipment Example : false | boolean |
notifySender optional | Notify sender for any update of this shipment Example : false | boolean |
office optional | Shipment office | OfficeProjection |
officeTransitionHistory optional | Shipment office transition history | < string > array |
originalConsignmentId optional | Shipment original consignment identifier (for return shipment) | string |
originalShipmentId optional | Original shipment id (for return shipment) | string |
packDescAutoPopulate optional | Indicate if shipment package is auto populate Example : false | boolean |
packages optional | Shipment packages | < PackagePublicProjection > array |
packaging optional | Shipment packaging | string |
pickupDetails optional | Shipment pickup details | PickupDetails |
poBox optional | Indicate if shipment has PO BOX Example : false | boolean |
previousTrackingStatus optional | Shipment previous tracking status | enum (documentationprepared, bookingarranged, collected, intransit, arrivedatdestination , outfordelivery, delivered, instore, missing) |
purchasedDate optional | The date when shipment purchased | string (date-time) |
readyForProcess optional | Indicate if shipment ready for process Example : false | boolean |
reasonForShipping optional | Shipment reason for shipping | enum (purchase, gift) |
returnAuthorityNumber optional | Shipment return authority number | string |
serviceDetails optional | Shipment carrier service details | ServiceDetails |
serviceProfile optional | ${swagger.model.shipment.service_profile} | ServiceProfile |
shippingCost optional | Shipment shipping cost | ShippingCost |
sourceAddress optional | Shipment source address | AddressPublicProjection |
specialInstructions optional | Shipment special instructions | string |
sscc optional | Shipment SSCC number | string |
surcharge optional | Shipment surcharge | Surcharge |
tailGate optional | Indicate if shipment tail gate status Example : false | boolean |
taxStatus optional | Shipment tax status | enum (private) |
timeBasedRateDetail optional | Time base rate detail | TimeBasedRateDetail |
trackingNumber optional | Shipment tracking number | string |
trackingStatus optional | Shipment tracking status | enum (documentationprep ared, bookingarranged, collected, intransit, arrivedatdestination , outfordelivery, delivered, instore, missing) |
trolleyRequired optional | Indicate if a trolley will be required for shipping Example : false | boolean |
unattendedDelivery optional | Indicate if shipment can be delivered unattended Example : false | boolean |
user optional | Shipment user | string |
validationResults optional | Indicate if shipment data is valid | ValidationResult |
withheld optional | Indicates that the shipment in on hold Example : false | boolean |
Name | Description | Schema |
defaultHeight optional | Default height | number |
defaultLength optional | Default length | number |
defaultWeight optional | Default weight | number |
defaultWidth optional | Default width | number |
enableDefaultDimension optional | Enable default dimension Example : false | number |
Name | Description | Schema |
carrierProfileId optional | ${swagger.model.office_configuration.schedule_pick_up_ti me.carrier_profile_id} | string |
dayOfWeek optional | ${swagger.model.office_configuration.schedule_pick_up_ti me.day_of_week} | enum (sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday) |
officeId optional | ${swagger.model.office_configuration.schedule_pick_up_ti me.office_id} | integer (int64) |
serviceProfileId optional | ${swagger.model.office_configuration.schedule_pick_up_ti me.service_profile_id} | string |
time optional | ${swagger.model.office_configuration.schedule_pick_up_ti me.time} | string |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Company activation status Example : false | boolean |
addressLine1 optional | Company address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Company address line 2 | string |
billingProfile optional | Company billing profile | PublicBillingProfileProjection |
customerCarrierAccountCode optional | ${ } | string |
optional | Company email address | string |
enableServiceSharing optional | Company carrier and service profile services Example : false | boolean |
id optional | Company identifier | integer (int64) |
isReseller optional | Indicate if the company is reseller Example : false | boolean |
location optional | Company location | Location |
logoUrl optional | Company logo url | string |
name optional | Company name | string |
networkEnabled optional | Network Effect enabled company display Example : false | boolean |
phone1 optional | Company primary phone number | string |
phone2 optional | Company secondary phone number | string |
primaryContact optional | Company primary contact | PrimaryContact |
reseller optional read-only | ${} | PublicResellerProjection |
smsNotificationEnabled optional | SMS notifications enabled Example : false | boolean |
website optional | Company website | string |
Type : object