This endpoint is used to create new office by passing JSON request payload. This endpoint can only be accessed by user with company admin or warehouse admin role.
Resource URL
Cluster | URL |
Australia | |
US | |
UK | |
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | officeDetails required | Office request payload |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | |
201 | Created | No Content |
401 | Unauthorized | No Content |
403 | Forbidden | No Content |
404 | Not Found | No Content |
Type: apiKey
Name: Authorization
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Office activation status Example : false | boolean |
addressLine1 optional | Office address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Office address line 2 | string |
code optional | Office code | string |
companyId optional | Office company identifier | integer (int64) |
currency optional | Office currency | string |
defaultDimensions optional | Office default dimension | DefaultDimensions |
description optional | Office description | string |
driverDirectSetting optional | ${} | DriverDirectSetting |
optional | Office email address | string |
firstName optional | Office first name | string |
lastName optional | Office last name | string |
location optional | Office location identifier | integer (int64) |
locationProfile optional | Office location profile | LocationProfile |
measureUnit optional | Office measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | Office name | string |
notificationPreferences optional | Office notification preferences | NotificationPreferences |
officeConfiguration optional | Office configuration | OfficeConfiguration |
officeType optional | Office type (Warehouse/Crossdock/ThirdPartyLogistics) | enum (crossdock, warehouse, thirdpartylogistics) |
parentId optional | Office parent identifier | integer (int64) |
phone1 optional | Office primary phone number | string |
phone2 optional | Office secondary phone number | string |
receiverCode optional | Office receiver code | string |
scheduledPickupTimeList optional | ${} | < ScheduledPickupTime > array |
senderCode optional | Office sender code | string |
website optional | Office website | string |
weightUnit optional | Office weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
Name | Description | Schema |
active optional | Office activation status Example : false | boolean |
addressLine1 optional | Office address line 1 | string |
addressLine2 optional | Office address line 2 | string |
code optional | Office code | string |
company optional | Office company | PublicCompanyProjection |
currency optional | Office currency | string |
defaultDimensions optional | Office default dimension | DefaultDimensions |
description optional | Office description | string |
driverDirectSetting optional | ${} | DriverDirectSetting |
optional | Office email address | string |
firstName optional | Office first name | string |
geoLocation optional | ${} | GeoLocation |
id optional read-only | Office identifier | integer (int64) |
lastName optional | Office last name | string |
location optional | Office location | Location |
locationProfile optional | ${} | LocationProfileProjection |
measureUnit optional | Office measure unit | enum (cm, in, m, ft, mm) |
name optional | Office name | string |
notificationPreferences optional | Office notification preferences | NotificationPreferences |
officeConfiguration optional | Office configuration | OfficeConfiguration |
officeType optional | Office type (Warehouse/Crossdock/ThirdPartyLogistics) | string |
parent optional | Office parent identifier | integer (int64) |
phone1 optional | Office primary phone number | string |
phone2 optional | Office secondary phone number | string |
receiverCode optional | Office receiver code | string |
scheduledPickupTimeList optional | ${} | < ScheduledPickupTime > array |
senderCode optional | Office sender code | string |
website optional | Office website | string |
weightUnit optional | Office weight unit | enum (grams, kilograms, ounces, pounds) |
Request Payload Sample
{ "active": true, "addressLine1": "string", "addressLine2": "string", "code": "string", "companyId": 0, "currency": "string", "defaultDimensions": { "defaultHeight": 0, "defaultLength": 0, "defaultWeight": 0, "defaultWidth": 0, "enableDefaultDimension": true }, "description": "string", "driverDirectSetting": { "autoJobAssignationEnabled": true, "callCustomer": true, "customerSignature": true, "driverCommissionFixed": 0, "driverCommissionPercentage": 0, "driverDirectEnabled": true, "emailNotification": true, "jobSplittingEnabled": true, "keepPackageUntilRedelivery": true, "maxCarryOnWeightPerPerson": 0, "maxJob": 0, "p2pEnabled": true, "pickupFeeEnabled": true, "requiredPackageScanning": true, "returnPackageToDepot": true, "shipmentTypes": [ "regular" ], "smsNotification": true, "unattendedPodPicture": true }, "email": "string", "enableUpdate": true, "firstName": "string", "goodsCheck": { "accompaniedDelivery": true, "clientPresent": true, "dangerousGoods": true, "fragile": true, "handUnload": true, "poBox": true, "residentialDelivery": true, "residentialPickup": true, "tailGate": true, "trolleyRequired": true, "unattendedDelivery": true }, "lastName": "string", "location": 0, "locationProfile": { "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "email": "string", "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string", "location": 0, "phone1": "string", "phone2": "string" }, "measureUnit": "cm", "name": "string", "notificationPreferences": { "notifyPendingShipment": true, "notifyQuoteAndBook": true, "notifyReturns": true }, "officeConfiguration": { "breakBulkManifesting": true, "containerizationEnabled": true, "createPickupJob": true, "creditLimit": "string", "crossDockManifestingEnabled": true, "crossDockStraightThroughEnabled": true, "ddp": true, "defaultWarehouse": true, "emailTrackingToReceiver": true, "instructionsDocumentEnabled": true, "jobDeliveredToScanCrossDockShipmentEnabled": true, "manifesting": true, "paperlessTradingEnabled": true, "satchelOnlyInQuote": true, "scheduledPickup": true, "smsNotificationEnabled": true, "thermal": true, "timeZone": "string" }, "officeType": "crossdock", "parentId": 0, "phone1": "string", "phone2": "string", "receiverCode": "string", "senderCode": "string", "tax": 0, "website": "string", "weightUnit": "grams" }
Please refer to the Additional Reference section for more information on BBA Integration API objects.