11. b. Configuration - Permission Groups
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11. b. Configuration - Permission Groups

Clicking on the Configuration link redirects you to different Configuration widgets.

Clicking on the Permission Groups widget redirects you to the Permission Groups list page

The user can view the details of the existing permission group by clicking on the View button

The Permission Group Details page has a View/Edit Switcher to give the user an option to update the permissions. It also has Active/Inactive button to Activate/Deactivate the Permission group.

On the Permission Group lists, there is a Enable or Disable button that function just the same as the Active/Inactive switcher. No need to view the Permission Details if there is a need to Activate/Deactivate a specific permission group. The user can use the Enable button to Activate and the Disable button to Deactivate.

The user can add a new Permission Group by clicking on the Add New Permission Group button.

The user can select from the following permissions to assign to a specific group:

  • Administrative Permissions
  • Module Permissions
  • Configuration Access Permissions
  • Additional Permissions

To save the new Permission Group, the user can click on the Save button.